jeudi 20 juin 2013

guest blogging a lil' hiatus..


detail of Corey Corcoran piece.

In the previous two posts I mentioned I am handing over the reins to guest bloggers here on the blog. I am going to be away from the computer for a bit and I thought it would be an awesome opportunity to get some new blood in here and kick up the dust a bit. I have asked three fellas (I figured we could bring in a little male steez in here for a wee bit!) and one lady to even it out with some girly vibes. Here is a little intro about them all:

The first guest blogger is painter Dan Szymanowski, he lives here in Boston. I just posted a studio visit with him below, so please check it out, I'm a fan and you will be too, I promise.

Will Bryant, a graphic designer and illustrator, has been featured many a time here on the blog, he's the second...and again as mentioned below, he just did the very first artist designed banner for the blog!

Thirdly is, Corey Corcoran, who works with everything from pipe cleaners to paint in his work. He lives here in Boston and his work AMAZES me. Check out a studio visit I did with him last month and see how intense his work is. The above picture is from the visit.

Alice Saunders the doyenne behind the label Forestbound, will be adding her amazing finger on the pulse, in blog posts everyday, sprinkling her stylish eye to even out all the boy's posts. Alice's work is almost always featured in my I <3 section as she always makes something I am coveting. She will hopefully also be giving us a sneak peek of her shop update...her stuff always flies off the etsy shelves, so stay tuned!

These fine, very talented folk will be around here for a week and a half at the blog. I'm so excited and honored that they would take time out of their busy schedules. I can't wait to see what they post, I have an idea...and so far it's looking RADICAL! I hope you will welcome them, make them feel comfortable and give em high fives and hand hugs and make em feel at home! I'll see you guys in a week and bit! Thanks so much for coming by and being a part of the blog. <3 <3 <3

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