mardi 23 juillet 2013

in which I ruin all illusions of keeping a clean home

Good grief my kid is into everything. Well, I mean, I’m sure it could be worse but I feel like there is already a lot of adventure packed into OBaby’s little 15 and a half pound body. And I don’t mean adventure like the time he gagged on his hand and threw up all over our table at the neighborhood Italian place we had walked to for dinner last night…although that was an adventure.[Related: You would think I would have learned that there is no such thing as a quick, predictable trip out with a baby that doesn't warrant the bringing of the diaper bag. You.would.think.]I’m talking about the adventure that I didn’t even know was already laying around my house. I just had to lay down on my stomach in the living room to notice it. Dog food bowls, for example. Endless entertainment. Springy door stops have been known to provide mommy with a chance to pour and scarf down a bowl of cereal, too.But you know what else is adventurous on an epic level? Dust sweepers that Mommy has run under the various pieces of furniture then leaned up in the corner momentarily.Did I say adventurous? I meant dirty. And gross. And something that no good mother would ever willingly let their child play with so that she could finish vacuuming the area rug (irony for the win!).What’s that? A clump of dust on the back of my baby’s head? Hey. I’ll take dust bunnies over diaper cream any day. Or at least for now.~~~~~~A little post-post shout out to my dear friend Janell who got engaged this weekend. I am so darn excited for her!Love you, friend!{She’s on the far left here, a picture taken outside Wicked in Chicago during my bachelorette party circa 2007.}

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